品牌故事 brand story
MINlZZ1 Minaz is a registered trademark owned by Beijing Minaz Home Furnishings Company.Dedicated to providing high-quality furniture that is synchronized with Europe's top furniturequality to the global market. The emphasis on smooth line design represents a fashion trend, re-turning to nature, advocating for the charm of natural wood, coupled with a modern, practical,and exquisite artistic design style, which reflects a certain orientation and melody of modern ur-banites entering a new era. The minimalist style is exquisite and minimalist, with a strong senseof design. In modern design, it has a very noble temperament. There are several different mini-.malist styles worldwide. Milan, ltaly, Germany, and Northern Europe are the world's main regionsfor minimalist furniture production. Black, white, gray, and natural wood colors are the absoluteprotagonists in this style. There is no complexity or distractions, paired with simple and contrast-ing decorations. Elegance is not lacking in agility, luxury is not lacking in nature, everything is sosimple and profound.
米纳兹 MINAZZ1,主做欧美出口。米纳兹定位于国际高端现代极简主义家居,注重流畅的线条设计,代表了一种自然时尚和原木韵味,赋予现代简约艺术设计风格,反映出现代都市人进入新时代的精简定位与旋律。米纳兹倡导极简主义的家居理念,专注于打造高品质的当代生活方式米纳兹通过创造极简美感、好用舒适的家具来营造宜居空间。
MINAZZl is positioned at the international high-end modern minimalist home.Pays attention tosmooth line design,represents a natural fashion and log charm,endows modern simple artdesign style, and reflects the simplified positioning and melody of modern urbanites entering anew era.
产品设计师 designer

米纳兹家居两大设计师。John Wilson、Edward Adam Davis结合中国传统文化将意式家具的高贵和中式家具的儒雅结合起来,将古朴与时尚融为一体。删繁就简,形成自身独特的一种新的古典主义和现代轻奢主义,米纳兹·中国的“儒”文化内涵。
